The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten Reasons Why Sesame Street is Important

On Monday Sesame Street reached its 45th anniversary.  That is impressive.  As a father to two young children I can say that Sesame Street really is just as important today as it was 45 years ago.  While children’s TV has undergone a seismic shift in those 45 years, Sesame Street is still the go to program for kids.  Here is why:

10. Cable TV children’s television is the great Satan of advertising. Watch you kids watch Nickelodeon.  They do so as passive brain dead CONSUMERS.  It is terrifying.  Once a commercial comes on they immediately want the latest Secret of the Ooze Teenage Mutant Ninja action figure with real Kung Fu grip and matching face-melter ray gun. This product will cost $45 dollars and will be unloved 34 seconds upon exiting the packaging but they NEED it… the commercial said so.

9. While we are on commercials: Chucky Cheese is 53.4% of all ads on commercial children’s TV.  If your kids watch commercial TV they want to go to Chucky Cheese.  If you breakdown and take your children to Chucky Cheese you will shoot yourself in the fucking face and end up leaving them fatherless.  Do not let that happen.

8. Kermit the Frog’s News Flash.

6. People talk about getting on Saturday Night Live as “making it” in show business. Either hosting, playing as the night’s band or being spoofed.  They are right getting on SNL in some way provides a moment where you are part of the zeitgeist.  But the other forum is Sesame Street.  I would argue that it’s even more important. There is no artist, comedian, actor, musician, or celebrity that would turn down an opportunity to appear on Sesame Street… None.

5. Sesame Street make tolerable. Seriously… the dude has appeared in music bits for the show and they are… they are… good.  No one else can do this.

3. Monster Piece Theater. I LOVE THESE.

2. The Sesame Street Making Crayons video… this is classic. So much going on there.

1. The Sesame Street parody pieces. There is so much to love here.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Not Quite Top Ten Times 2!

With Halloween coming up it is time to give you our loyal readers (both of you) some tips for what is, and what is not, good Halloween treats.  Therefore, today we are giving you not one but two Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten lists!

Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten Good Candy for Trick or Treaters

10. Sour Patch Kids
9. M&Ms
8. Crunch Bar
6. Pay Day
5. Heath
3. Twix
2. Snickers
1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (This is not debatable)

Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten Worst Things To Get While Trick or Treating

10. Sugarless Candy (You asking for the flaming bag of poo.)
9. Werther’s Originals (What am I 80?)
8. Raisins (Everyone hates you.)
7. A piece of gum
5. Candy Corn. (No.)
4. Change (Emptying your car’s ashtray is not a sufficient substitute.)
3. Good n’ Plenty (They are not good candy.)
2. Can of Faygo (What are you a Juggalo?)
1. Toothbrush (GFY)

Thanks for coming by and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Worst State Capitals


10. Pierre, SD

Name a capital after a Frenchy? F U South Dakota.

9. Helena, MT

Its main street is named Last Chance Gulch. I wish I was making that up.

7. Des Moines, IA

When nothing surrounds you for miles and miles except cornfields, a three-story building qualifies as a skyscraper.

6. Carson City, NV

Don’t tell anyone in Carson City that it’s the 21st century. They’re still trying to figure out how to tie up their newfangled cars to the hitching posts.

4. Albany, NY

Historically, Albany has been a city of immigrants. Their latest and most prominent group of residents? Rats.

3. Harrisburg, PA

We can’t even hire a City Treasurer who doesn’t embezzle from a non-profit or declare for personal bankruptcy.

2. Charleston, WV

That smell that permeates everything in Charleston? That’s the odor of burning sofas, overflowing Shoney’s grease traps, and a lack of feminine hygiene products.

1. Trenton, NJ

You have to be certifiably cuckoo bananas to go walking in Trenton after the sun goes down. Baltimore may be Stab City, but this is where Ray Lewis gets rids of the bodies.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…
Max Power

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: One Season or Less TV Shows

Tick2001_cast10. The Tick

Reportedly, Amazon has signed actor Patrick Warburton to reprise his role in a new live-action version that lasted only nine episodes 13 years ago. No word if the other three main actors: David Burke (Arthur), Liz Vassey (Captain Liberty), and Nestor Carbonell (Batmanuel) are also part of the reincarnation of the show, but they need to be for it to live up to the original’s genius.

MY SO CALLED LIFE8. My So-Called Life

Ultimately we were exposed to the now classic Claire Danes cry face and the maddening talent of Jared Leto for the first time in this series. But this portrait of a suburban Pittsburgh high school did capture the teen angst perfectly of the plaid and grunge mid-90s.


6. Awake

A terrific series which you should watch in its entirety on Netflix. Jason Isaacs delivers an award-worthy performance as a police detective who lives in separate realities after a fatal car accident splits his life in two. In one reality his son was killed and in the other his wife perished. The drama and mystery of which reality is “real” and who caused the car accident play out over the series’ 13 episodes.

firefly-serenity-crew5. Firefly

The renegade crew of misfits living on the outskirts of society led by the spaceship’s captain Mal (Nathan Fillion) flew around for 11 episodes on Fox before getting the ax. Strong DVD sales and large fan support campaigns pushed the show’s popularity to heights it never knew during its broadcast run. Whedonites got some closure on most of their geek fantasies with the follow-up motion picture, Serenity.

Freaks-Geeks-jason-segel-1107134_1024_7683. Freaks and Geeks

If you weren’t in the cool clique in high school, odds are fairly good you fell into one of these two groups. Under the direction of comedy heavyweights Paul Feig and Judd Apatow, the show followed a brother and sister entrenched in both groups. The burners and slackers included Jason Segal, James Franco, and Seth Rogen, while the nerds featured John Francis Daley and Martin Starr.


2. Terriers

Some shows don’t have the structure or premise to run for years and years, but I could have watched the misadventures of Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James as unlicensed private investigators for a long time. Unfortunately, the show never overcame a poor title, drew poor ratings numbers, and FX pulled the plug after 13 episodes.

police-squad1. Police Squad!

When the show was cancelled after only four episodes had aired, then ABC entertainment president Tony Thomopoulos said, “Police Squad! was cancelled because the viewer had to watch it in order to appreciate it.” How did this guy get in charge? Leslie Nielsen as Lt. Frank Drebin would go on to entertain millions of viewers in the The Naked Gun series of films.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…
Max Power

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Bearcat’s Most Hated Men In Sports

A little while back Mondesi’s House posted a list of the most hated men in Pittsburgh sports.  I did not exactly agree with the whole list and frankly the rankings were kind of lazy, but it was not my list so I could not really complain. Max Power thought it would be a good idea for me to fill out my own list. If you are a long time reader here at DSB, and who isn’t, then for some this will not surprise you but I think it is always a good idea to revisit why certain sports figures are worthy of my hatred. I decided to revisit an old Bearcat standby…The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten

10. Tom Brady


Insufferable even on The Simpsons

The man is single-handedly responsible for the pussification of the NFL. If he gets breathed on, the officials throw a flag. Brady is the poster boy for the Nerf Football League and watching him request flags and then get them causes me so much grief I have to drink massive quantities of alcohol just to get through a Patriots highlight session on ESPN. Couple this with his fashion modeling, his illegitimate baby that he bailed on so as to impregnate a supermodel and his frat-boy/douche bag good looks and how can you not hate him?

9. Kobe Bryant


Little Black Mamba just wanted some anal…

If he was just a maniacal asshole for a teammate that would probably be enough for him to be a player that I despised. The screaming at teammates…the 8,000 shots a game…the under-bite “mean” face…the smirk for a smile…the unbridled selfishness. That is all worth my scorn. But that is not quite enough to get on this list. No he had to go and rape a girl, throw Shaq under the bus during the police investigation (an often forgotten fact), pay the victim off to avoid a conviction, pay off his wife with a stupidly expensive purple diamond ring and sit back for a couple months until the whole thing blew over so that the media could go back to worshiping at his feet.  Kobe Bryant = rapist.

7. Barry Bonds

Even his own mother thinks he is an asshole… right? This is undisputed truth

It is humanly impossible for anyone who has ever played, coach or paid money to see him play a game to say something nice about Barry Bonds. His own mother thinks he is an asshole. Satan has a better reputation than Barry Bonds. ESPN crawled into bed with him via a reality TV show and even the magicians that are reality TV editors could not make him look even the least bit likable. Pol Pot is less offensive as a human being than this guy. If A.J. Pierzynski is a clubhouse cancer than Barry gives your clubhouse leprosy and then provides Ebola to the fanbase. i.e. The Pittsburgh Pirates.

6. Pirates Ownership Since 1996

Where to start with these guys? First was Kevin McClatchy who was the face of the new ownership group when they took over in ’96. He was the CEO and Managing General Partner for a much larger group of life sucking owners.  Then so as to make it seem like this group of abusive parents owners were taking some level of responsibility they relieved McClatchy of his post and replaced him with Bob Nutting.  As if to say, an “Under New Management” sign was all that was needed outside PNC Park for things to get better.  While these clowns have been running the Pirates we have seen the likes of Derek “Operation Shutdown” Bell, Jason “Welcome to Hell” Kendall and his crippling 60 million dollar contract, The Aramis Ramirez for Bobby Hill Trade, The Cam Bonifay Experience… I can do this all day but I don’t want to end up on a suicide watch.

3. Everything Associated With the Philadelphia Flyers

I have said it plenty of times on and off DSB. I truly hate the Flyers. You can never be too big, too fast or too stupid to play for their hockey team. Mostly the same can be said for all Flyers fans; you can never been too obnoxious, too prone to random acts of violence or too stupid. The “rough and tumble” style of their team is cheered on by its fans as Scott “The Demonic Clown” Hartnell takes another stupid penalty at just the wrong time. Dan Carcillo does not have the mental aptitude to be a door stop but he is held up as the quintessential hard hitting forward. The Broad Street Bullies were an expansion team that no one cared about until they won the Cup. Flyers fans that channel those ‘74 and ’75 Championship winning teams were either not alive to know anything about them or are lying about seeing them “win the Cup.”  It is really hard for me to put into words my complete and utter distaste for everything around this team. The best way for me to show you is to link to one of my favorite videos… I just love how the bench is patting Kasparaitis on the back after he totally crushes Lindros, so classless, just what the Flyers deserve.

2. Brett Favre

It was not a matter of if Favre would get on my list it was only a matter of what his final ranking would be. While there is a football player that garners more of my hatred, there is not another player whose career ending injury during live broadcast would bring me more joy. I spend every game in which he plays hoping that he will either get a limb ripped of or that he will be strapped to a back board with the facemask unscrewed from the helmet (always an awesome look). It would be great. To watch ESPN melt down, to see columnists openly weep for the 40 year old QB’s tragic end. It is the only reason I can stomach watching him play. The potential to see it all end with a Theismann like thud draws me in.  Oh, how I wish that this self aggrandizing asshole with a history of alcohol abuse and an addiction to prescription pain relief would end up in a halo.

1. Ray-Ray

This drives me insane…

Public Enemy #1 on my list is Ray Lewis. If I can refer back to one of my early rants here on DSB… Ray-Ray’s look at me attitude, whooping it up attitude in the locker room, his dancing on the field and worse of all his Krumping from the tunnel, is nothing but a sideshow. ESPN will talk about his leadership, his drive, his passion for the game but those are all antics sold as entertainment. The fact that he works the NFL Rookie camp helping to mold and guide future millionaires is maddening. It is like the fact that Ray-Ray is both a murderer and a snitch were completely washed away by his preacher “God first” persona for the cameras. He is a clown in shoulder pads that ratted on his homies to avoid doing time. A rat. Fitting that he sits in what was the murder capital of America. In the history of football, is there a player that has been awarded more unearned half a tackle points than Ray Lewis? Anyone else on the Ravens’ defense makes a tackle and then Ray-Ray comes flying in seconds after the ball carrier is down, dropping a hit on a player who was otherwise tackled. Yet the refs never throw a flag for the late hit. Instead he gets credit for the play and is described as a hard hitting linebacker. I hate him so much…

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy”s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Deaths that Need the “Pushing Daisies” Treatment

For those unfamiliar with the failed TV show Pushing Daisies, let me take a brief moment to explain the premise (via Wikipedia):

Pushing Daisies centers on the life of Ned, a pie-maker gifted with the mysterious ability to bring dead things back to life by touching them…Inheriting his mother’s baking talents, Ned becomes a pie-maker who owns a restaurant called “The Pie Hole”, which he runs with the help of waitress Olive Snook. The restaurant is failing financially when private investigator Emerson Cod accidentally discovers Ned’s gift and offers him a proposal: Ned will temporarily bring murder victims back to life, allowing Emerson to inquire about the circumstances of their demise, quickly solve the case and split the reward money with him.

10. Vince Foster – Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Bill and Hillary Clinton had something to do with Foster’s death even though multiple investigations have ruled it a suicide.  After Ned’s touch either the former First Family will end up in court or right-wing blowhards like Rush and BillO will have to shut up.

9. Diana, Princess of Wales – Was it the paparazzi’s fault? Or how about her driver hopped up on antidepressants and alcohol?  Either way, her account of the night’s events and the speeding route through the streets of Paris would settle many of the world’s questions.

8. Brian Jones – The founding member and guitarist for the Rolling Stones was found dead at the bottom of his swimming pool when he was 27.  Mysterious circumstances have revolved around his death for the last 40 years and it is still ruled an accidental drowning, but the police have been more than willing to reopen the case.

6. Natalie Wood – In 1981, Wood famously fell overboard and drowned off of Catalina Island and became a national punchline (What wood doesn’t float?).  Even though it was ruled accidental drowning, the circumstances surrounding her death have always been in question.

5. Nicole Simpson – We all know what happened.  We don’t need some TV-friendly “superpower” to figure out the story.  But it sure would be sweet to hear her tell it exactly the way we imagine it happened.  Hopefully she won’t leave out the exact details of what her and Ron Goldman were doing when OJ walked in.

3. David Carradine – When you are found hanging in a Shanghai closet with a rope around your neck and balls, conventional wisdom leads one to assume suicide by auto-asphyxiation.  But then Mark Geragos went on Larry King and said it was probably a team of kung fu assassins looking to silence Carradine from revealing their secret martial arts societies’ way.

2. Kurt Cobain – Cobain was troubled, loaded on heroin, and married to Courtney Love when he blew his head off with a shotgun…or did he?  Many people contend foul play and even murder were involved as the cause of death was even the subject of a compelling documentary (Kurt & Courtney).

1. Mary Jo Kopechne – When Ted Kennedy died earlier this year, the fatal accident at Chappaquiddick was glossed over on all the major media outlets.  I want to know just how drunk he was…I want to know what canoodling was going on between the two of them…and I want to know if he got his own ass out of the water as fast as possible leaving her to drown.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…
Max Power

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Mistakes You Should Avoid In College

10. Failing to study

Fail out and this is what you have to look forward to as a job…

You got by in high school on your good looks, your ability to steal notes and/or pure brain power.  High school is a cake walk compared to what you are facing in college.  While you may have enjoyed skating by in high school you will be required to do actual work to maintain a decent grade in every single class.  Going to class and not doing the reading or doing the reading and skipping class is not going to get it done.  As a college student you have more leisure time than a Roman Senator.  You have more down time now than you will at any time in your life.  You live independently and don’t have to even cook for yourself.  It’s like living in a nursing home but you are at a time in your life when you can enjoy it.  In order to maintain this freedom you need to put in a little work.  Once you get a real job.  You will look back at your time in college and realize you had no idea what real work was like.  Study.  Besides you are paying for it.

9.  Going home over the weekend

It’s Friday so I am headed home… Mommy is going to take care of her big man on campus

After studying and going to class all week you are going to go home?  Are you fucking nuts?  Last I checked mom’s home cooking was less likely to get your laid than going to the mixers down on Frat Row.  Homesick?  Grab a case of beer.  Cured. College is about the experience as much as it is about the classes.

7.  Gambling
Too many college students end up with a little extra cash and decide that they can quickly double their money.  Twice the money twice the fun; right?  There are a couple students on campus that will be playing bookie and they offer a convenient means by which to place a quick bet on that late night BYU-Arizona State game.  In case you have not read some of my other posts where I discuss the pleasures and evils of gambling let me put it right out there.  Two things you will learn after gambling: 1.You will swear that all the games are fixed and 2. You will wish you had all the money you lost gambling back.  These two lessons are especially acute for the poor college student.  Just spend you money are beer forget the get quick rich scheme.

6.  Saving money by not buying the books

…and that comes to $753.34 and your first born male child.

You figure you don’t need all the books, you can take some of them out of the library or you can share one with a buddy in your class.  Guess what genius, there are a dozen other people who are planning to take the book out of the library but little do you know that someone took it out last year and then sold it as a used book for beer money.  Sharing a book?  Good luck cramming for that midterm.  I know that 200 bucks for a book is highway robbery but you want to pass the course right? Look at it this way. If you are spending 20K plus on a year of college then 200 bones is a drop in the bucket.

4.  Having a Long Term Relationship
It’s College.  You got four years to live it up.  Five if you screw off too much but still keep it together.  There are thousands of potential hook ups at your school. You should be on a catch-and-release program.  Meet people.  Hang with them for a while and then meet other people.  You need to learn what you want out of a relationship.  This is a great time to do just that with other people on an equal footing.  Don’t pass it up. You don’t know what love is. Don’t get caught up looking for it.

If you learn nothing else from today’s posting this is the one nugget of information that you should not forget. DO NOT OPEN A CREDIT CARD. Every credit company in the world is on your campus looking to push credit cards into your bong water soaked pockets. You don’t have a source of income and are living off of the fumes left from a summer job so why is American Express giving you free shit to sign up? Because they know you will run it up. Over draw. Not pay and then get bailed out by mom and dad. This cycle will ruin your credit scores and will punish you later in life. The credit card companies are predatory pricks looking to destroy you. This can make it harder for you to get an apartment after college or worse, fuck with your student loans. DO NOT GET A CREDIT CARD!

2. Drink the wrong stuff

hangover-2007-19.jpg image by youaremykilikiller

Urinal cakes are not a hang over cure…

Everclear.  What can go wrong with that? Grain alcohol is cheap and making jungle juice is fun (as well as being liquid panty remover) but it can kill you. As a college student you probably don’t have a real clear idea of what your body can take or how it processes the rot gut you seem intent on giving it. Of all those students that die from alcohol poising every year, I can guarantee you that not one died from drinking beer. Funneling a bottle of Vladimir Vodka might impress your buddies but it is not worth the charcoal and stomach pumping. Beer is an effective alcohol delivery device and it will help you determine what you can take. Stick to beer. Beer is your friend.

1. Not having fun

We’re going streaking!!!

This is the best four years of your life. Use it. Have fun. Drink. Meet people. Hook up. Run naked through the quad. Go to football games and get tanked in the parking lot. Learn how to break into the campus swimming pool and have a late night dip. Stay up too late talking about nothing. Just do it all. If you don’t you will regret it and by then it is too late.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Beers Consumed During Your College Days

*Please be advised that the majority of this list is not to be purchased upon graduation from an accredited institution of higher education.

It even looks like it is exploding in the ads…

10.  Mickey’s:  If you buy the little ones, they look and feel like grenades and in the hands of a sub-21 year old college student they are basically the same as kissing a mortar shell.  This shit will fuck you up.  I am afraid to even get near this crap after drinking it in college.  If you want to have a great time that you will never remember this is the rot gut for you.

9. Red Dog:  This hooch tastes like it passed through an actual red dog before being canned.  It is not fit for human consumption but given the cheapness, the 30 can pack and the college drinker’s idea of “value” it is an obvious choice when you are desperate and just want to bong beers all night.

More like Shitz…

8.  Schlitz:  The Schlitz motto is:  The most carefully brewed beer in the world.  What is should be is the most carefully brewed third world beer.  This is what beer tastes like after it gets a yeast infection.


6.  Pabst Blue Ribbon:  Or as you probably call it, PBR.  To say that PBR is not one of the tastiest beers on campus is to be diplomatic.  It is the beer that you get excited when you see the classic red, white & blue can but get instantly disappointed when you pop it open and get that stale beer whiff.   It is cheap.  It is effective.  Let’s just leave it at that.

Girl beer is spelled K-E-Y-S-T-O-N-E

5.  Keystone:  No list of cheap college beer could go without listing Keystone.  Of the three college standbys (Keystone, Natty and Beast) this one is the worst.  It is so bad that this beer is basically just a hangover in a can.  You can get it cheap but the price is not so much out of your wallet as it is extracted from your brain the next day.  This should only be used for flip cup.  Flip cup is a girl game and this is a girl beer; drink only in low volumes.

It’s a 40, but for white people…

4.  Ice House:  Ice House is proud to advertise that they won gold medals in 2003 and 2007 at the Great American Beer Festival proving that they must just give away medals for showing up.  Ice beer is dangerous.  It can lead to time travel i.e. blackouts and pregnancy i.e. death.  This should only be used with strict caution.

No beating around the Busch they put it right out there… they are all about price.

3.  Natural Light:  Impossibly watered down.  It lacks any semblance of taste.  This is like Coors Light but worse.  Natty as it is affectionately called is for the girls who like to stand around and hold the same beer all night while they watch their friend act like a whore after downing five shots of Tequila.  Get to know that girl… not the Natty Girl.

You can either take the Red can or the Blue can…

2.  Milwaukee’s Best Light: Everyone calls this one by its true name.  Beast.  Beast Light is marketed for the hard working 20 something male but for some reason this beer’s main consumer is college frat houses.  Beast is highly respected by DSB for its smooth character and great taste awesome name.

1. High Life: If you are going to spend a couple extra bucks to treat yourself right while drinking cheap beer you can’t beat the High Life.  That being said if you are buying and drinking in bulk this might be a little too pricy for you.  This beer is acceptable for drinking post graduation.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Reasons to Stay in the Dorms

According to your roommate 45% of the stuff in this picture can be made into a “sweet” bong.

The college aged DSB reader demographic is headed back to school in the coming weeks.  As such I am going to try to offer some advice while you are enjoying what will ultimately be the best times of your life.  This week, we will discuss off campus living.  You might be surprised to know that I am categorically against it.  So here are the Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten reasons to just stay in the dorms:

10. Grocery shopping sucks. At first it is cool to be able to grab a cart and throw whatever goodies your little heart desires into it. Frozen pizzas, junk food as far as the eye can see, enough Cheetos to fuel a thousand bong hits.  But going grocery shopping is not fun. It’s a tedious, exhausting and the worst part, a costly activity.  Suddenly Salisbury steak at the cafeteria ain’t looking so bad.

8. Signing a lease is like signing over your life. It is nearly impossible to break a lease in a college town. Once you sign your name on the dotted line, you’re at the mercy of your slum landlord. You’re broke, you hate your roommate, you have personal issues. Tough shit.  Someone is going to pay the 1200 bucks a month and your roommates are not going to be able to float you… they are broke too.

6. A good dorm roommate does not equal a good house roommate.  Think just because you lived together in a room smaller than a VW bug that you can “totally make it work” in an apartment?  Think again.  Dorms don’t require you to clean the toilet, or deal with that funky mold, or scrub dirty dishes, or sign over a monthly cable check.  (SHIT!) People you would have trusted with your life in your dorm days will turn out to be totally unreliable dirtbags when it comes to serious stuff like paying bills on time or keeping their excrement in the bowl.

5. Cleaning is hard work. If you don’t clean constantly, stuff gets dirty. Like right away. Remember all those kick ass house parties you crashed last year? Yeah, somebody had to clean that vomit in the upstairs air duct the next morning. Now, that somebody is you. Congratulations.

4.  The people at your parties will totally fuck up your house. Want to watch at least 16% of your shit get either broken or stolen? Throw a house party.  Yes, chicks will show up and drink all your booze but they are not staying in your shit hole after you and 87 of your closest friends turn your dump into a Mexican ghetto.  They are going back to the dorm with Chad and his super tight graphic T-shirt.  I can see why you want to throw these.

2. Everything costs money. There is a bunch of shit that you never had to pay for while in the dorms…toilet paper, paper towels, a plunger, AC, heat, garbage collection (yeah they make you pay for that shit)…these are all necessities. And they all require you to hand over your hard-earned cash, which you as a college student have very little of.

1. Less is more.  If you have to get off campus this is your mantra. Less is more. Less furniture, less floor space, less clutter, less dishes. Whatever you can afford to downsize before you move into your apartment, DO IT. And remember: anything you move into your new pad, you also have to move out at the end of the year.  And the college year is basically less than 8 months.  KISS. Keep it simple stupid.

Most likely your college apartment is not gonna be filled with designer items & food from Wegman’s. It’s gonna be filled with empty pizza boxes and strewn with empty beer cans from late-night binges, and (hopefully) hot chicks who can’t keep their clothes on. So enjoy it… just know that you can probably have all that while living in the dorms.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten: Movies that Should be Remade

Hollywood has proven time and time again that it is devoid of original ideas. Old movies, TV shows, cartoons, graphic novels, and even toys have been the basis for many of the industry’s most recently anticipated releases. And the American public is buying it, because so far in 2009 seven of the top 10 highest grossing films are sequels or remakes. Normally here at DSB, we are vehemently against the concept…but there are definitely movies that weren’t artistically or financially successful and in our opinion deserve a re-telling and a second audience. Here are DSB’s Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten of Movies that Should be Remade (** Synopses from Rotten Tomatoes).

10. Labyrinth
Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) is so resentful of her baby brother Toby that she hopes he will just disappear. Her dream becomes reality when goblins kidnap the boy, but Sarah unexpectedly finds herself horrified by the loss. So she sets forth to retrieve him, and finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime. To accomplish her task, she will somehow have to reach the center of the fantastical labyrinth where the wicked Goblin King (David Bowie) has imprisoned the lad. But the task is easier said than done, for the maze is filled with strange creatures and mind-bending puzzles that confuse the girl.

DSB: I still remember going to see this movie on its opening weekend back in 1986 and walking out of the theatre stunned at how disappointing and crappy the movie was to watch. The premise is promising but writer/director (and usual genius) Jim Henson relied too heavily on his puppets and two songs (?!?) performed by Bowie. Points also need to be taken away for Connelly’s homely appearance that would come 5 years before her bust out role in Career Opportunities (pun clearly intended).

Who should helm the remake? After conjuring and populating the fantasy worlds of Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro is the perfect director to bring the Goblin King and his empire back to a Cineplex near you.

9. The Secret of NIMH
Synopsis: An exquisitely drawn, colorfully animated feature about Mrs. Brisby, a brave mother field mouse who struggles to save her family’s home from a farmer’s plow. She soon discovers she needs the help of the strange, intelligent rats who live beneath the nearby rosebush in an intricate city. But when the timid but determined Mrs. Brisby discovers the astounding wonders of NIMH, it could change her life forever. From the Hitchcockian flashback sequence revealing the rats’ secret to the moral questions raised about animal testing, this film is a beautiful example of how animation can expertly tell a gripping story while still remaining appropriate and entertaining for children.

DSB: As a kid, I really liked this movie (and the book it was based on), but with the technological advancements these days a live action version could be compelling in the already oversaturated family-friendly market.

Who should helm the remake? Given his success adapting a literary classic while combining live action and computer animation for Charlotte’s Web, Gary Winick seems like the ideal candidate. He might welcome a return to this palette as he also helmed the recent stinkbomb, Bride Wars.

7. Something Wicked This Way Comes
Synopsis: When two boys become involved in the evil plans of Mr. Dark, a magical carnival owner (Jonathan Pryce), they find themselves in danger and responsible for the survival of their entire town! Mr. Dark has a devilish ability to grant wishes, which he uses to his advantage. When he realizes that the boys have discovered his secret, he sets about tracking them down, along with the creepy Dust Witch (Pam Grier).

DSB: The Disneyfied version of the Ray Bradbury novel was actually darker than the Mouse House had been in many of its movies up to that point. However, I think it’s possible to amplify the shadowy elements and sinister tone of the novel and gain the tween audience currently interested in Harry Potter and Twilight.

Who should helm the remake? Tim Burton seems to have two styles for his films: dark or vibrant. Typically, Burton’s best work is in his exploration of the dark elements of a story (see Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Sweeney Todd) as opposed to bright and vibrant (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, possibly Alice in Wonderland?). Plus, with Burton on board you can all but pencil Johnny Depp in to fill the shoes of Mr. Dark.

6. Capricorn One
Synopsis: In order to protect the reputation of the American space program, a team of scientists stages a phony Mars landing. Willingly participating in the deception is a trio of well-meaning astronauts, who become liabilities when their space capsule is reported lost on re-entry. Now, with the help of a crusading reporter, they must battle a sinister conspiracy that will stop at nothing to keep the truth a secret.

DSB: In today’s age of the relentless 24-hour news cycle and corporate mistrust, this story is more relevant and important today than it was back in its 1978 release.

Who should helm the remake? If you’ve seen the superb thrillers Breach or Shattered Glass, you know that director Billy Ray excels at presenting fear and paranoia on the silver screen. Ray could take this concept and make it his own.

4. Phantasm
Synopsis: Mike, a young teenage boy who has just lost his parents, is afraid to lose his brother. This fear causes him to follow his brother to a funeral, where Mike witnesses the Tall Man lift a coffin on his own. Mike heads to the grounds of the mortuary, which is home to very bizarre happenings, including a unique security device. Enlisting the help of his brother Jody and ice cream salesman Reggie, Mike attempts to vanquish the Tall Man.

DSB: Considering they’re remaking every horror movie under the sun, I’m a little surprised Phantasm hasn’t gotten the treatment yet. Quite honestly, this movie freaked me out a lot and part of its charm was its low budget feel.

Who should helm the remake? I think a remake could find mainstream success if it would explore the aspects of a psychological thriller more than becoming a bloodfest. Director Gore Verbinski previously mined the same territory in The Ring and he would do an excellent job with this storyline.

2. The Last Starfighter
Synopsis: Teenager Alex Rogan lives and works in the trailer-park that his mother owns. His life consists of contemplating his rather bleak future, and waiting for word on his college loan application to arrive. One night, all of this changes forever. Alex possesses an extraordinary skill at video games, and when this skill attracts a space-travelling recruiter looking for pilots to protect the galaxy from outside forces, he suddenly finds himself on another planet in the middle of an inter-galactic war. It seems that his game-playing abilities are an invaluable military asset to the embattled “Star League of Planets.”

DSB: When this movie was released 25 years ago, videogames were just starting to find a foothold in homes. The advancement of the graphics, connectivity to the web, and game interactivity have made videogaming even more realistic than ever before. Technology has allowed every kid in America to picture himself in the game and that is a built-in audience that would connect with this story.

Who should helm the remake? Marc Forster has piloted very diverse movies in his career. Combining the personal storytelling found in Monster’s Ball or The Kite Runner with the fantasy facets of Finding Neverland and the action sequences of Quantum of Solace, Forster is the right man to bring all of those elements together in one film.

1. Flash Gordon

Synopsis: New York football star Flash Gordon vaults into outer space to battle the nefarious Ming, supreme ruler of the planet Mongo. Ming intends to conquer planet earth, and hunky Flash teams up with several of his daring female admirers, as well as the brilliant Dr. Zarkov, in an effort to thwart the monomaniacal evil-doer.

DSB: In a day when every comic book character is getting a movie, Flash Gordon needs to be revisited. The 1980 original turned the volume up to 11 on the camp value and the corresponding rock opera by Queen. The movie’s ambitious intentions were let down by the cheesy and subpar special effects.

Who should helm the remake? As the mastermind behind the Evil Dead films, Sam Raimi knows a little something about walking the fine line around campy silliness. His further experience with the Spider-Man series makes him the perfect director to re-boot Flash into a potential franchise.

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…
Max Power