Thoughts I Might Have Thought While Thinking About Thoughts For a DSB Post about My Thoughts

• At which point does Cleveland actually get nervous about the ability for the Cavs to re-sign LeBron? I feel like that should be soon. The Cavs legitimately stink and his super short contract is not going to sit well with fans.  This will be fun to watch.

• Speaking of Cleveland. The Browns are 7-4.  They are not who we thought they were.

• The Bengals won too. The AFC North is a toss-up unlike any other…
Except for the NFC South which mathematically could be won by a team going 5-11. Yeah, you read that right.

• I have watched Odell Beckham’s catch at least 30 times. I have nothing more to add that has not been said by everyone else.  I just thought you should know that… yeah… I saw that.  It defied physics.

• Is Denver good? I get the feeling the Broncos actually stink but I don’t really watch much of the NFL anymore and frankly… I would just like to assume they are a bad team and will get killed in round one of the playoffs.  I would like to bet on that.

• CBS is going to carry the Jets at Buffalo at Detroit game tonight starting at 7:00? I bet ESPN is furious.  They paid a BILLION dollars for MNF.  The broadcast on CBS is going to kill it in the ratings.  The 7:00 pm start and the fact that this game is on CBS is just going to murder ESPN viewership this week.

• Jameis Winston bumped an official during Saturday’s game. The ACC says “meh.”  Which is funny because after the rape, shoplifting, and truck load of other NCAA violations we all know are out there people actually thought a college football governing body was going to do something about THIS?  Really… you thought they would do something about him bumping a ref?

• Can we start calling Winston, Mr. Teflon? I feel like that should be his nickname.

• Ferguson has been a powder keg for like a week waiting for the grand jury. What if the grand jury just never breaks… just kind of waits it out like the NFL and all big corrupt operations try to do with everything. Wait like a couple of months then just release some notes to the press and be like “That’s old news!  Nothing to see here… Why can’t you people move on!

• I was at the end of a bag of tortilla chips while shoveling salsa into my face and it was just a bunch of broken chips. I tried to assemble the broken pieces into one big chip to use up the last of the salsa… it did not go well.  Learn to accept when the journey is over.

• Marion Barry died. If I was a betting man I would assume he told St. Peter at the gate “She set me up.”

• Can we start running a list of women who Bill Cosby didn’t rape?

• A Nor’easter is projected to come up the coast and have a profound effect on the Thanksgiving travel push. That sound you just heard was NBC News and CNN having a collective orgasm.

• President Obama told a crowd this weekend that the voters just “want new car smell in 2016.” LOL… I don’t even know what that means other than F you Hillary.  Because if anyone is addicted to that “new car smell” its Bill Clinton and we all know Hillary ain’t got it.

• I am sure Max Power watched the American Music Awards… If you want to know what happened ask him. (Max: Untrue!)

• Lots of people are talking about e-cigarettes these days. Does anyone actually think that free-basing nicotine is not going to have long term side effects?  BTW:  Here are some of the names for the e-liquids people are free basing:

  • Freedom Juice
  • Ecto Cooler
  • Sinister Sweetness
  • Unicorn Blood
  • Krackberry
  • WaterFelons
  • Hadouken (Think StreetFigher the video game)
  • Suicide Bunny
  • Robo Fuel

• Finally!  SNL won the week with this cold opening:

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

The Not Quite Top Ten Top Ten Reasons Why Sesame Street is Important

On Monday Sesame Street reached its 45th anniversary.  That is impressive.  As a father to two young children I can say that Sesame Street really is just as important today as it was 45 years ago.  While children’s TV has undergone a seismic shift in those 45 years, Sesame Street is still the go to program for kids.  Here is why:

10. Cable TV children’s television is the great Satan of advertising. Watch you kids watch Nickelodeon.  They do so as passive brain dead CONSUMERS.  It is terrifying.  Once a commercial comes on they immediately want the latest Secret of the Ooze Teenage Mutant Ninja action figure with real Kung Fu grip and matching face-melter ray gun. This product will cost $45 dollars and will be unloved 34 seconds upon exiting the packaging but they NEED it… the commercial said so.

9. While we are on commercials: Chucky Cheese is 53.4% of all ads on commercial children’s TV.  If your kids watch commercial TV they want to go to Chucky Cheese.  If you breakdown and take your children to Chucky Cheese you will shoot yourself in the fucking face and end up leaving them fatherless.  Do not let that happen.

8. Kermit the Frog’s News Flash.

6. People talk about getting on Saturday Night Live as “making it” in show business. Either hosting, playing as the night’s band or being spoofed.  They are right getting on SNL in some way provides a moment where you are part of the zeitgeist.  But the other forum is Sesame Street.  I would argue that it’s even more important. There is no artist, comedian, actor, musician, or celebrity that would turn down an opportunity to appear on Sesame Street… None.

5. Sesame Street make tolerable. Seriously… the dude has appeared in music bits for the show and they are… they are… good.  No one else can do this.

3. Monster Piece Theater. I LOVE THESE.

2. The Sesame Street Making Crayons video… this is classic. So much going on there.

1. The Sesame Street parody pieces. There is so much to love here.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…