Mini-Rant: Public Relations

  DSB suggests not taking PR advice from any of these guys…

Bill Gates once said that if he had only a single dollar left to spend, he’d spend it on PR.

Sounds like a ringing endorsement for public relations… and if you are a trillion dollar monopoly who got most of their early stuff by stealing from IBM and Apple then you probably need it. But if you are a million dollar athlete or celebrity the last thing you need is a PR man.  The idea seems to be that with good PR you can shift the power from the people who are reporting the news to the person who is (most time unfortunately) making the news. What you really need most likely is to either shut up or just be honest and tell the whole story.

If you get caught in a scandal today every word you speak from that point on is dictated by a PR professional.  Got caught taking steroids, cheating on your wife or busted by the fuzz?  Here are some of the standard PR responses or plans of action:

Learn the phase: “I would like to apologize. “ You would like to apologize but you are not actually going to apologize.  This is important.

Refuse to say what you are apologizing for.

Never say you are sorry.  Sorry sounds like guilty.

If you have to say you are sorry use the term “if.”  “I am sorry if I offended anyone.” or  “If you are offended then I am truly sorry.”  If you weren’t offended then I don’t care because obviously you don’t either.

Never utter the words steroids, drugs, problem, sex, affair, other women, cheating or terroristic threat.

When caught red handed pretend it did not happen.

Although you have never wanted privacy before this event ask for privacy in dealing with this “family matter.”  It does not matter that you got caught with a dead tranny hooker; this is still just a “family matter.”

Blame it on society.  The pressures to perform, and your drive for success made you do it.  It’s almost like you were doing ‘roids for the fans and therefore it is their fault!  They owe you an apology damn it!

Cry.  If you are crying some people will feel sorry for you.

Say “No one can be as hard on me as I am being on myself.”  That is complete horseshit but it will cause some people to come to your defense.  “Stop beating him up… he is already beating himself up over this.”

Blame your buddies.  “I wanted to pay my taxes but Mookie, my accountant, was moving all my money to off shore accounts without my knowledge.” Or  “I have no idea why my friend T-Bill would have turned my walk-in-closet into a weapons cache holding 563 guns, several land mines, and a Stinger surface-to-air missile.”

If shit is really bad you go to rehab and come back a new person with a new outlook on life.

If shit ain’t so bad then you are “relaxing at a spa” and not in rehab.

See, I have just saved you hundreds of thousands of dollars today.  But here is an idea… How about instead of doing a half ass apology or not telling the whole truth you try one of two things.  Just shut up.  Don’t talk at all.  Don’t open your mouth.

Or come out and give an apology like this…

I used steroids.  I used them even though I knew it was wrong because they made me a better athlete and helped me win.  I used them because they made me stronger, faster and better than those who did not use them.  I should not have used steroids.  Today, I am sorry that I used these drugs.  I am sorry for what I have done to my sport and to my fellow competitors.  I know that I have diminished both my legacy and my sport by doing this.  I am sorry for that too.

You could say those things but then again that would be honest… Unless you are not sorry.  If you are not sorry… then just go ahead and hire the PR man.  At least it lets us know you are not sorry.

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Entertainment News the DSB way…

Jett Travolta and L. Ron Told Him To Help Haiti

I am John Travolta and I bring you Scientology… Now kiss this photo of L. Ron or another quake will further destroy your island nation!!!

John Travolta spent his Monday flying his own jet to Haiti to aid in the relief effort.  Travolta flew four tons of supplies as well as several doctors and Scientology ministers.  A news report even shows that Scientology ministers are laying hands on the injured telling them that they can heal their nervous systems just by their touch… Disgusting.  The people of Haiti need real help, not charlatans. Travolta let Scientology shorten his son’s life – – he should not be allowing it to potentially do the same to others.

In the Getting Screwed Department

DSB would like to thank the Department of Justice.  Yesterday, the people that oversee anti-trust matters approved the merger between TicketBastard TicketMaster and Live Nation.  The country’s largest ticket seller and the nation’s largest concert promoter are now one goliath of a company.  It is almost like the DoJ looked at U2 ticket prices and thought they were too low.  I stopped going to concerts a long time ago due to the insane cost.  I am pretty sure the chances of me ever going to see a big name band in concert just went to zero.  I mean is there any business that has a stronger history of anti-consumer behavior than TicketMaster?  Just another reason to hate the music industry…I see absolutely no way in which this benefits consumers.   I would have expected more from this Administration’s Department of Justice… Thanks for screwing us.

What You Talking ‘Bout Jarrod Clarke?

I ain’t got no bail money… I spent it all on hamburgers.

Gary Coleman was released from a Utah County jail on Monday after a fan of Diff’rent Strokes bailed him out. Jarrod Clarke put up 1725 bucks to get Coleman out of the pokie. Coleman was arrested over the weekend after police arrived in response to a domestic disturbance call and determined that Coleman had a bench warrant for his arrest.  DSB contacted Coleman for response on Jarrod Clarke’s kind act. Coleman responded that he was scared that Clarke might have owned a bicycle shop and was offering him beer.

Violence Against Women Is Wrong… Thankfully Snookie Is Not A Woman

MTV is currently in contract negotiations with the staff of its hit reality show Jersey Shore. Reports have been floated around that the cast wants the same money as the cast of The Hills is taking in and that they are also taking a Friends-style “all for one, one for all” approach to negotiations.  It is almost like they think they can’t be replaced.  Jersey is chuck full of Guido douche bags that are willing to offer up their hand me down Escalades just so that they can pimp the hair gel/fake tan looks on cable.  The only question is can they take a punch like Snooki?

snooki being punched gif

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Entertainment News the DSB way…

You Are Old and Everyone Has Already Defined Your Career

Her most important gift to America was a haircut no hair dresser could reproduce: “The Rachel”

Apparently Jennifer Aniston is in a huff over being introduced to the Golden Globes’ stage as “Rachel from Friends.”  Not sure why she was so pissed.  Is there anything that she has done since that show went off the air that is worth mentioning?  She was John Mayer’s plaything for a while, so I guess that counts as something.  DSB suggests that next time she should be introduced as that 40 year old woman John Mayer used to bang. She might like that one better.

This Makes Bumble Bee Guy Muy Triste
Glenn Bell, the man who founded the Taco Bell franchise, died over the weekend.  As this moment of mourning passes over the Mexican fast food franchises, all locations will rename the five layer burrito “The Glenn”.  Also, DSB has learned that Glenn Bell will be put to rest inside a six foot tall hot sauce packet.

I’m a Doctor Damn It, not a Paparazzi!

Heidi and Spencer upon hearing that Glenn Bell had passed quickly drove to the nearest Taco Bell to honor the fallen Taco King…

Heidi Montag has recently returned to the spotlight after taking some time off from walking around doing nothing and having cameras take pictures of her. Her time away from the spotlight was to allow for her to have her face and body “tweaked” and by “tweaked” she means 10 plastic surgeries over the course of 10 hours. Heidi appeared on Good Morning America to defend against accusations that she is “addicted to going under the knife.”  DSB reached out to Heidi’s publicist for further comment but we were informed that she was busy scheduling to have her kneecaps “shaped”, her toes “sculpted” and her philtrum reduced to look younger.  DSB suggested that the surgeon consider removing Heidi’s head from her ass to improve her looks.

The real Golden Globes…

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Entertainment News the DSB way…

Cheated Out of Reality:
Jake “The Bachelor” Pavelka recently has been doing the rounds on all of the Hollywood reporting shows (Access Hollywood, ET, E! and all those other trashy “news” shows) talking about the scandal on ABC’s hit primetime reality show.   Word leaked early on that contestant Rozlyn Papa had an “inappropriate affair” with a show producer.  Jake “The Bachelor” (who even by pilot standards is incredibly douche-y) in interviews admitted that he felt “cheated on.”  We here at DSB really do understand how he feels.  If I was simultaneously dating 18 women and one of them stepped out on me, I would be royally pissed…but mostly I would be hurt.

In Shirtless News Not Pertaining to Vince Young:
Olivia Namath, daughter of Joe Namath, was pulled over in Jupiter, Florida doing 58 in a 50 mph zone shortly there after police found pot in her car.  Olivia is 18 years old with a two year old daughter by a man who has a lengthy police record which includes crystal meth possession and burglary. Olivia’s pot was found in her trunk, which leads me to believe we are not talking about a couple of “roaches.”  When contacted by DSB Joe Namath was surprised and elated by the revelation that he had a daughter.  He was so excited he offered to kiss us. Joe proceeded to make out with the receiver end of his phone for approximately three minutes.

Surprise, Everyone Hates You!

We feel the same way…

Human Trash Reality Star Tila Tequila was dropped yesterday from a Larry King Live show regarding the late Casey Johnson.  This came as people have started turning on Tila regarding her constant tweeting since the passing of her fiancé on January 4th.  Perez Hilton, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, and the Hilton Hotel Corp. CEO have all come out to state that Tila’s public “grieving” and constant twittering is simply self-promotion and that she should be grieving with family and friends.  In response Ms. Tequila stated via twitter (duh) “Why do I tweet so much? Even BEFORE Casey passed away? BECAUSE I HAVE NO FRIENDS! THERE! THE TRUTH COMES OUT! Just pray 4 her please!” In a highly scientific poll conducted by DSB the editors here have learned that 95% of all Americans wish Casey Johnson had taken Ms. Tequila with her.  The other 5% are petitioning the Internet to ban all communication from Tila Tequila.  DSB fully supports this petition.

Fox Will Give Me Anything:

Simon Cowell recently announced that this upcoming season of the mega hit singing competition American Idol would be his last as a judge on the show.  Cowell also announced that he would be bringing his UK hit show The X Factor to Fox as both a judge and producer.  Reports put the contract between Fox and Cowell as somewhere north of 140 million dollars.  DSB has received an exclusive copy of Cowell’s super huge deal with Fox and here are some of the more interesting provisions of the contract:

Section 13.4 Part C:  Mr. Cowell’s dressing room will have a private bathroom.  It must not have toilet paper, it shall be stocked with a stack of one hundred dollar bills.  Mr. Cowell only wipes his ass with money.

Section 32.3 Part D:  Fox Studios will provide a new black V-neck T-shirt before every episode.  These T-shirts should be hand washed by virgins at the shore of the Thames prior to being adorned by Mr. Cowell.  Each shirt must be a large but the labels must be removed and replaced with a “medium” label.  This is very important.

Section 120.5 Part A subsection 3:  Mr. Cowell will be allowed to execute one contestant per show.  The thrill of ending a musical career does not hold the same zing as it used to…Simon must now end a contestant’s life.

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Goin’ Five Hole – Episode 5

Join the Daddy’s Sugar Ball editors on our latest podcast…Bearcat, ZJ, and Max Power had a lively beer-fueled discussion regarding the current sports and pop culture landscape.

The topics included in our fifth podcast were:

BCS & College Football
(1:20 min mark)
What we’re drinking (3:52 min mark)
* Sierra Nevada Torpedo
* Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka
* Shiner Bock>
Girl of the Moment (7:04 min mark)
* Michelle Beadle
* Elizabeth Banks
* Jamie Ford (NSFW)
* Luisana Lopilato
Is Brett Favre the most devious athlete? (11:14 min mark)
Bearcat’s Rant against Ray Lewis (13:52 min mark)
Pittsburgh Pirates & Harrisburg Senators Season Tickets (16:37 min mark)
Central PA favorites (22:03 min mark)
* Spring House Brewing Company
* Al’s of Hampden
* Midtown Scholar Bookstore
Outtakes (26:04 min mark)

And just like our typical posts here on a daily basis, we want to remind you our loyal listeners that at times we may use some profanity (and this one seems particularly salty), so please be responsible when and where you listen.

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Jerk Store: Ed Hardy Premium Beer

Why it is a jerk:
As any member of the DSB Army can tell you I am opposed to all things Ed Hardy.  I hate the trucker hats…the $300 t-shirts…the douche bags who wear this crap.  All of it makes me sick.  But not as sick as Ed Hardy Beer…

My brother-in-law found a six pack of these in Delaware and was kind enough to pick one up for me.  The bottle has the typical D-Bag style with a huge-ass tiger’s head.  The beer is listed as “Premium” and this blatantly constitutes false advertising to a level that should be punishable by death.  I poured this “beer” (and I use that term loosely) into a typical pint glass and found the color to resemble Guido urine.  The bouquet smelled mostly of corn and left me believing it was brewed mostly of rotting vegetables (I wish I was making that up). It lacked any head and at first I assumed it was flat.  The first taste was nothing but fizziness, like a fizzy tea made from compost.  No malts, no hops.  It’s like someone decided to try brewing beer without using any of the ingredients normally associated with brewing beer.

I would have poured it down the drain after my first sip but I wanted to do a fair and complete review for you our loyal readers.  This nearly killed me.  I generally like to let extra cold beers warm up a little to allow for all their flavors to come forth.  A great beer is good from start to finish.  This obviously being a bad beer only got worse.  By the end of the bottle it began to be gag inducing.  It was like drinking hot garbage that had been run through the Juiceman Juicer.  This truly was one of the worst beers I have ever been exposed to…not the worst one, but damn close.  This left me with a bit of a problem.  What am I going to do with the other five bottles of this recycled Jersey Shore urinal water?

Here is a brief list of possible uses:
Pranks (replace someone’s Miller Lite with an Ed Hardy Premium)
Outdoor Pesticide
Instead of waterboarding offer them an Ed Hardy
If we have to invade Vietnam again it could be an Agent Orange for the 21st Century
A cheap cure for tapeworms in third world countries
Douche Bag Identification (If you are drinking one, you are a D-Bag)
Official Beverage of the DSB Jerk Store…

Thanks for coming and suckling Daddy’s Sugar Ball…

Entertainment News the DSB way…

Do You Think His Penis Is Tired Yet?

I pick up tons of chicks with my Wrist Watch 2-Way Radio

A new book by Peter Biskind called Star: How Warren Beatty Seduced America estimates that the 72-year old Beatty (who has quite the Hollywood reputation for being a ladies man) has slept with 12,775 women.  If you calculated that over just the past 52 years that equals 245 individual liaisons a year…that does not count the times you go back for seconds. DSB has been in touch with the actor’s publicist who has promised to have Beatty call us back once he was done scheduling his 2010 list of women he plans to bang.  (Hey, a guy with this much tail has to plan accordingly.)

From The “I Thought They Were Dead Department”

Say what you want about Donald… but his daughter is down right hot.

The cast of the third season of Celebrity Apprentice has just been announced and DSB is first to handicap some of this seasons favorites: Darryl Strawberry, is hoping for a cocaine distribution challenge where he can blow the competition away (4-1); Bret Michaels is hoping for a challenge that lets him exploit his vast knowledge how to best deal with skanks and common trailer park thrash (3-1); Rod Blagojevich will be putting his Chicago-style politics and tactics to work and early word is he is attempting to sell his spot on the show to the highest bidder because it is “fucking golden.” (32-1); Sinbad who is listed as a comedian for some reason has the longest odds at 50-1; former wrestler Bill Goldberg is hoping for a challenge where he can show off his exceptional talents in dog training (he likes to employ pile driving and flying elbows from the top rope… kind of like a slightly more violent Dog Whisperer) (5-1); Cyndi Lauper will be letting her True Colors shine through as she just wants to have fun and will be making a early exit (20-1); and former Olympian Summer Sanders will have the whole world asking “Who the fuck is Summer Sanders and why is she on Celebrity Apprentice?” (18-1).

More Shirtless News Not Involving Vince Young:

I told you I don’t own a shirt…

Matthew McConaughey (who fucking hates shirts) announced over the weekend the birth of a second child with long-time girl friend/sometimes model Camila Alves. The baby girl weighed in at seven pounds and seven ounces and both women are apparently doing well.  McConaughey has been quoted as saying that he is “Proud to have made a baby girl.”…Nice one.  DSB contacted McConaughey for further comment on the birth of his baby girl.  He asked us if we had a brought a joint to celebrate the birth.  We forgot to bring one to which McConaughey said “would have been a lot cooler if you did.”

Too Much Tequila Can Kill You:

I got nothing to say… this just looks F-ed up

On Monday, Casey Johnson (socialite and heiress to the Johnson & Johnson mega-fortune) was found dead in her LA home.  The 30-year old Johnson had recently announced her engagement to and reality TV tramp Tila Tequila.  Via her Twitter account Ms. Tequila stated: “I can’t stop these haunting visions of her and I,” and “We made such a lovely couple, only beginning to spend the rest of our lives together…”  When asked by DSB for comment on the recent passing of the future billionaire, Tequila’s former lover Shawne Merriman said “God deliverers the ultimate Lights Out…”

Thanks for coming and suckling on Daddy’s Sugar Ball…